The Big Fat Super Swap IS BACK! The BFFS is a body positive, 2x/20 and up clothing swap for people of all genders.
June 23,2024 and August 25,2024
1:00pm – 4:00pm
5149 Bloomington Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55417 – Parking lot next to Cake!
The swaps will be outside (primarily under tents). Masks will be required. Because they’ve secured a very low-cost location, this year the swap will be free for everyone. As the June swap gets closer, they’ll share info about parking, entrances/line up, guidelines for participating, and more.
This year, they will not hold Inbetweenie Swaps (sizes 12-18) and will no longer organize a Super Coat mutual aid fund. These upcoming swaps will not include an “accessibility hour”. Their goal is to make the swap as accessible as possible throughout the whole event.
Even though it’s a “swap”, clothing donations are collected in advance so clothes can be sized and organized before the swap. You don’t need to donate clothing in order to attend the swap. No one is turned away!
This year, Cake Plus-Size Resale is collecting donations and managing the swap as it undergoes a leadership transition. Community volunteers are also helping with social media, volunteer coordination, and more! For more information go to 2024 Big Fat Super Swap.