Age-friendly Hennepin County
Age-friendly Hennepin County works to help the county become a place where policies, services, and infrastructure related to the physical and social environment are designed to help all residents – especially older adults – live healthy, engaged, high-quality lives.
Older adults drive local economies and make vital contributions to the social fabric of our communities. They also make up an increasingly large proportion of our population:
- In 2020, adults aged 65+ outnumbered children in Minnesota for the first time
- More Minnesotans turned 65 in the past decade than in the previous four decades combined
Demographic changes make age-friendly communities more urgent. A thoughtful, coordinated response will benefit us all. The Age-friendly Hennepin County action plan (PDF, 7MB) lays out our approach.
- Senior LinkAge Line
- Trellis – organization that provides services, connections, and innovations to help people thrive as they age