Register land
Registration transfers the land from the recording act system (abstract title) to the registration system (Torrens title.) Torrens title provides certainty of ownership and protection against loss of property by adverse possession. With registered land, a certificate of title is maintained by the county, showing the current owners and interests in the land.
Land in Hennepin County can become registered by court order (initial registration) or by examiner’s directive (certificate of possessory title “CPT”). In either process the owner submits an application setting out all interests in the land and provides evidence of the chain of title (usually an abstract). The examiner of titles investigates and issues a report.
Initial registration instructions and forms
Initial registration under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 508 is suitable for any property and includes the option of having judicial landmarks placed to determine the location of boundary lines. To register a boundary, a survey is required.
Once land is registered, it is important to record documents on the certificate of title, not in the abstract records.
- Instructions for initial registration proceedings (PDF, 1MB)
- Survey requirements for boundary registration (PDF, 1MB)
- Instructions: after an interlocutory order (PDF, 1MB)
- Instructions for contested registrations (PDF, 1MB)
Court rules
- Individual application (RTF, 1MB)
- Joint tenant application (RTF, 1MB)
- Business application (RTF, 1MB)
- Appointment of agent for non-resident applicant (PDF, 1MB)
- Petition and order for summons (RTF, 1MB)
- Land title summons (RTF, 1MB)
- Affidavit in support of summons (RTF, 1MB)
- Notice to mail summons (RTF, 1MB)
- Affidavit of default (RTF, 1MB)
- Interlocutory order (RTF, 1MB) (For boundary registration)
- Order and decree of registration (RTF, 1MB)
- Applicant affidavit (DOCX, 1MB)
Standing Orders
Certificate of Possessory Title (CPT) instructions and forms
A CPT registration under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 508A is appropriate for uncontested titles where the applicant is the record owner. Boundary registration is not an option. After a CPT is issued, boundaries may be registered in a proceeding subsequent.