
Recommended disposal options

Give away or donate

Hangers in good condition may be given away or donated. Check with local thrift stores to see if they'll accept hangers.

Recycle metal hangers

Check with your local dry cleaner to see if they accept metal hangers for reuse. Metal hangers, with all the paper removed, may be accepted or redeemable at scrap metal recyclers. The paper can be recycled in your recycling program at home.

Put plastic and wood hangers in garbage

Plastic and wood hangers may be put in the garbage. They are not recyclable.

Other disposal options

Hennepin County drop-off facilities

See restrictions and instructions below:

Drop-off facilities accept:

Metal hangers


No charge

Materials preparation

Remove paper and other all non-metal parts first.

Drop-off facilities do not accept:

Plastic and wood hangers


Sell it, give it away, donate it or repair it. Learn more reuse tips.

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