
Recommended disposal options

Sell, give away or donate

Snowmobiles that work may be given away, sold or donated to Arc's Value Village Donate Vehicles program.


Metal parts may be accepted by scrap metal recyclers if all non-metal pieces and fluids are removed first. The non-metal pieces may be put in the garbage. The fluids may be accepted by Hennepin County facilities as household hazardous waste.

Other disposal options

Hennepin County drop-off facilities

See restrictions and instructions below:

Drop-off facilities accept:

Metal parts from snowmobiles


No charge

Materials preparation

Remove all non-metal parts otherwise Hennepin County will not accept it.

Drain fluids from the snowmobile. Gasoline, oil and other automotive fluids are accepted for free at both facilities.


Sell it, give it away, donate it or repair it. Learn more reuse tips.

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