This is court-ordered community service. You must follow rules and expectations if you want credit.
An adult who breaks any rules may be asked to leave the program. You may lose credit for the whole workday.
A juvenile who breaks any rules may face disciplinary sanctions. You may also get an unexcused absence.
You are expected to:
- Bring a photo ID.
- Report to pick-up site on time.
- Reschedule if you are unable to attend.
- Follow all crew leader instructions.
- Conduct yourself with dignity and respect.
- Fully participate as a worker and complete your assigned tasks.
- Work safely and immediately report to your crew leader if you are hurt or injured.
- Always wear a seatbelt in our vans.
- Use the bathroom only during breaks.
- Dress for working outdoors.
- Wear long pants, a shirt with sleeves and closed-toe or tennis shoes.
- Bring your own lunch and bottled water. Crew leaders are not allowed to stop at convenience stores or fast-food restaurants for breaks/meals.
- Wear older clothing.
- Wear rain gear or layers depending on the weather.
- Don’t bring valuables.
Not allowed:
- Tobacco use
- Profanity or offensive language
- Leaving the job site
- Shorts, halter tops and sandals
- Intimidation, harassment or unwelcome behavior
- Use or possession of drugs, alcohol, weapons or firearms