Roadway improvements in 2021
As part of the broader Penn Avenue Improvements Project, Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis planned for additional improvements to Penn Avenue between 12th and 15th avenues in Minneapolis. Construction began in early 2021.
Learn more about the 2021 improvements project.
Penn Avenue Improvements Project

The Penn Avenue Improvements Project is a collaborative project including the construction of the new Metro Transit C Line rapid bus project and a coordinated reconstruction of parts of Penn Avenue (County Road 2).
Road reconstruction between Lowry and West Broadway avenues occurred in 2018. Additional roadway improvements between 12th and 15th avenues are planned for 2021.
One of the most important needs Penn Avenue communities identified through the Penn Avenue Community Works program was improved transportation services and infrastructure.
In response, Hennepin County partnered with Metro Transit and the City of Minneapolis to make meaningful infrastructure improvements and enhance transportation and transit service and safety throughout the Penn Avenue corridor and Olson Memorial Highway into downtown Minneapolis.
The Penn Avenue Improvements Project includes two major components:
- C Line rapid bus: Enhanced transit service that includes a package of transit enhancements that adds up to a faster trip and improved experience. Learn more about rapid bus service (YouTube).
- Road reconstruction: Full reconstruction of a seven block segment of Penn Avenue between West Broadway Avenue and Lowry Avenue North. Improvements include: Safety enhancements for all road users; greening and landscaping; traffic-calming; new sidewalks and improved lighting. Additional roadway improvements will occur in future years.
The community-led vision and planning work organized through the Penn Avenue Community Works program paved the way for these improvements. Thank you to all who dedicated their time and energy to making these projects possible.